On Thursday afternoon, OCC published a letter on its Planning website (Copy here) which confirms that the HIF1 Planning Application (R3.0138/21) will be heard over two days on 17 & 18 July.
– 17 July 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
– 18 July 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.
That is only a half day with another half day in reserve for a complex £300m road scheme.
IT IS NOW TIME TO ACT. You can register to speak at the hearing either in person or online via the web. Even if you register you are not obliged to speak if for some reason you cannot do so.
Please consider registering to speak in person or on line by emailing OCC at the address below as soon as possible.
The deadline is 9:00 am Tuesday morning, 11th July. In practice that leaves Monday, 10th July, to do so.
This may be your best last chance to act to protect the environment and the local area from the damage that the HIF1 road will cause.
The planning hearing will be at County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. There will be some placards available for those who wish not to speak but to protest outside. Assemble at 12.30pm.
The county received a total of 201 third party representations during the first round of consultation on the planning application from local residents, interested organisations, district councillors, and developers/landowners associated with land affected by the development or development sites near to it. 195 of these comments expressed concern or stated objection to the proposal and 6 were written in support.
During the second round of consultation on amendments to the proposals and additional environmental information, 168 comments were received. 165 of these were objecting to or raising concerns about the proposals and 3 were written in support. During the third round of consultation, 25 representations were received, 24 of which stated objections to or concerns about the proposal and 1 was written in support.
In spite of this, the Report by the Director of Planning, Environment and Climate Change recommendation is:
It is RECOMMENDED that, subject to the application first being referred to the Secretary of State to consider whether they wish to call it in for their own determination, planning permission for R3.0138/21 be approved subject to conditions to be determined by the Director of Planning, Environment and Climate Change, to include those set out in Annex 1.
Please standby for further updates over the next week.
Thank you for your support.
Oxfordshire Roads Action Alliance