Watlington Relief Road planning application R3.0010/24
Oxfordshire Roads Action Alliance (ORAA) (1) has objected to Oxfordshire County Council’s revised planning application to build a new road at Watlington.
ORAA believes there is no justification to build this road and is particularly concerned that the road will lead to:
• An increase in HGV traffic in the area with roundabout junctions built to accommodate them – part of a policy of making this an HGV through route by stealth
• Watlington’s school site being separated from new playing fields. (The school was gifted land adjoining the site to accommodate more children from Redrow’s Hampden Meadows housing development but this would become separated if the county builds a road)
• Harm to the Chilterns National Landscape (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and listed Shirburn Park and Garden both dark skies environments
• An environmentally damaging new crossing of the Chalgrove Brook chalk stream
• Sub-standard walking and cycling facilities that fail to separate the two
• No investment in public transport, which will be undermined by extra car traffic the road is designed for
The county has low-cost traffic management options that would reduce delay in Watlington to 2018 levels and deliver further significant and quantifiable improvements in air quality (2). However, the council has refused to progress these as they would undermine its case for a £19.1m (2024 estimate) new road.
1. Oxfordshire Roads Action Alliance (ORAA) is a community alliance and campaign group to prevent unsuitable road development in Oxfordshire.
2. The countywide air quality website Oxonair is provided by Ricardo, engineering and environment consultants. Ricardo has identified better traffic management based on the existing road in Watlington remaining open. Smoothing the flow by some parking removal, and enforcement to remove HGVs that should not be there, reduces emissions by a quantifiable 35%. No actions on air quality are required as no exceedances of NO2 are recorded in Watlington. The county council could choose to go further by implementing Ricardo’s low cost measures and not building a road. This will also reduce delay to 2018 levels, with a saving of 149 and 89 seconds in the AM and PM peaks respectively, allowing for all planned development. (Appeal Ref: APP/Q3115/W/19/3222822). Any post Covid gains on peak hour traffic from increased work from home would be on top.